Texas Foot and Ankle Consultants(Dr. Delpak & Dr. Errico)

ankle fracture treatment

What is Ankle Fracture? How Is It caused? How can you prevent Ankle Fractures?

 An Ankle fracture is amongst the most  common occurring fractures in the body. The fracture causes pain and disability. The fracture need to treated early or it will lead to permanent and significant injury.

The fracture occurs in one or multiple bones related to ankle i.e. Talus, Tibia and fibula. An ankle is composed of these three main bones and connects the leg to foot. In the case of an ankle fracture, both ligaments and bones are damaged.

Ankle fractures are caused by different factors. These factors include high impact activity like hiking, jumping, and running. The fractures occur due to the sudden movement of foot under the leg.

Furthermore, an accident may also lead to the ankle fracture. Motor vehicle accidents, falling from a height, or a sudden misstep on an uneven surface may lead to an ankle fracture.

When someone experience an ankle fracture, there will likely be immediate pain, swelling, and the inability to put pressure on the leg.

Prevention and precautions should be taken to avoid the ankle fracture. The following paragraphs will discuss the prevention and treatment of ankle fractures.

Wearing Proper Shoes:

Wearing proper shoes is very important. While walking on the difficult terrains, you must wear proper shoes that can hold the foot stable to prevent wrong footing.

Replacing shoes regularly:

With respect to the shoes, you must change them regularly as they get worn out. Worn out shoes may lead to the fractures.

Building Strength of Bones:

Many factures occur due to the weakness of the bones. This may include deficiency in calcium and vitamin D. In order to prevent any ankle fracture, you must strengthen the bones.

Dr. Raymond Delpak works with patients to determine the best course of action for treating foot and ankle problems. We use the most advanced techniques possible. If you would like to learn more, please visit us TX Foot and Ankle Consultants or schedule an appointment.