Texas Foot and Ankle Consultants(Dr. Delpak & Dr. Errico)

flat foot

Flat Foot | How to treat Flat Foot | Seven exercises to treat Flat Foot

Flat foot (pes planus) is condition of foot where the feet does not have an arch. When you step down, your entire foot touches the ground. Roughly 30% of the population have this issue. It may also be possible that only one foot is flat while the other is not.

There are many reasons why people have flat feet.  It can be caused by a congenital deformity called a tarsal coalition, it can be caused by wear and tear such as arthritis, traumatically such as a tendon rupture, or it can be genetic and simply be the type of foot you were born with.

However, if you have flat feet, you don’t have to worry. In many cases, this condition can asymptomatic.  Surprisingly, some of the best professional athletes have very flat feet. Outside of surgery, there is no way to permanently fix a flat foot but only in rare cases does this condition ever require surgery. The key with flat feet is to prevent them from causing symptoms. Below are seven exercises which will help you to eliminate the pain associated with flat feet

Stretching your Achilles:

    • Standing straight with your hands resting on a chair
    • Keep one leg forward and the other leg stretched with your knee locked
    • Press the your heels against the floor.
    • Keeping your spine straight and bend your front leg while keeping the back leg straight
    • Stand firm on this footing for 30 seconds.
    • Do each side multiple times.

Rolling a tennis ball under your feet:

  • Sit upright in a char
  • Place a ball under your foot and roll it back and forth
  • Now do the above step with your other foot
  • Repeat it multiple times.

Lifting your arch:

  • Stand Upright with your feet touching the floor.
  • Roll your feet to the outer edge and lift your arch and then relax back flat
  • Repeat the process to strengthen your posterior tibial tendon

Raise your calf:

  • Stand on a step
  • Raise your calf and go up on your tippy toes and hold this position. Then relax
  • Repeat the process.

Curling a towel with your feet:

  • Sit on a chair
  • Keep a towel under your foot.
  • Curl your foot over the towel as if you want to pick it up with your feet.
  • Repeat the process

Raising the toes:

  • While standing, press your right big toe into the floor and lift up your other four toes.
  • Next, press your four toes into the floor and lift up your big toe.
  • Do each step multiple times, holding each lift for 5 seconds.
  • Then switch sides

Calf stretch:

  • Stand on step with your heels hanging off the edge
  • Keep your knees locked
  • Let the back of the heels drop down without touching the ground
  • Hold it here for 30 seconds and then relax
  • Repeat this multiple times

These exercises will help improve the pain associated with flat feet. If your symptoms do not improve, please see your foot and ankle specialist for several other treatment options we can offer