Texas Foot and Ankle Consultants(Dr. Delpak & Dr. Errico)

Nail Fungus | Causes | Symptoms | Treatment

What is nail fungus?

Nail fungus is a fungal infection of the nail. It most commonly affects the toenails, but can also occur on the fingernails. The fungus collects over time in the spaces between the nail and the surrounding skin. You can get nail fungus if you have dry or cracked skin around your nails or if you have a loosened nail. The fungus can also grow if you have poor hygiene, such as not washing your feet regularly.

What causes nail fungus?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that nail fungus is caused by a combination of environmental and lifestyle factors, such as weakened immune systems and poor hygiene. Others suggest that it is caused by a fungus that grows naturally on the nails and is able to penetrate into the nail root.

It is still largely unknown exactly how nail fungus develops and how we can prevent it. But by understanding what causes it, we can start to take steps to prevent it from developing in the first place.

Symptoms of Nail Fungus:


The symptoms that may appear after a fungal nail infection can depend on the type of fungus that was contracted.

If the infection was caused by a toenail fungus, the most common symptoms may include:

  • redness
  • pus
  • thickened and discolored nails
  • debris underneath the neail

If the infection was caused by an athlete’s foot type fungus, the most common symptoms may include:

  • redness
  • blisters
  • dry and itchy skin
  • peeling skin

Treatment of Nail Fungus:

It is quite important to treat the nail fungus to avoid any future issue. However, prevention is the best option. There are a few preventative measures that can be taken to prevent nail fungus. Some of these measures include:

  • Washing your feet often with soap and water
  • Avoiding tight shoes
  • Showering regularly
  • Keeping your nails short and clean
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Avoiding bacteria growth

If you observe white markings on the surfaces of the nails or changes in the thickness of the nail, the nail may already be infected with fungus. In this case there is no need to worry because there are several options to treat and kill the fungus. This can include oral antibiotics or prescription topical medications.

If you notice any of the signs or symptoms associated with nail fungus, please visit us and we will get you back on track and help you get rid of the fungal nail.

We here at Texas Foot and Ankle Consultants treat any and every foot and ankle condition. If you believe that you have an ingrown nail and it’s not responding to at-home care, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will resolve your pain the same day.