Texas Foot and Ankle Consultants(Dr. Delpak & Dr. Errico)

foot bunion treatment

What is Bunion: Causes | Symptoms | Treatments

Are you having pain in your big toe joint? Have you noticed that you are starting to have a bump on the side of your foot? You may be getting symptoms related to a painful bunion. Bunions occur as the bone behind the toe start to slowly move further out and causes the first and second toe to push together. This unnatural position of the toe causes the joint to swell up and become inflamed. If you would like to know how to cure the pain of a bunion then this blog post is for you!

  1. What are the causes of bunion pain?

Bunions can be caused by many things including shoes, your genetics, or a certain foot type. Some people are even born with them!  It causes the big toe shift over and creates a bump on the side of the foot. This leads to bunion pain in your foot.

  1. What are the symptoms of bunion pain?

A bunion can cause pain with pressure against the side of your foot, pain with movement of the toe, and pain when walking. It might feel like a stinging or burning sensation around your affected joint. This condition makes wearing shoes incredibly difficult!

  1. How to cure bunion naturally?

Although a bunion is a bony deformity, there are certain things that you can do to help reduce the pain

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Wear the right footwear.
  • Use bunion splints to prevent the toes from pushing against each other.
  • Use bunion cushions to reduce bunion pressure.
  • Topical and oral Anti Inflammatory medications
  • Orthotics
  1. When do you need bunion surgery?

Repair of a bunion deformity is only recommended when all conservative options have failed. After you have exhausted all of these and the bunion is still hindering your activities of daily living, it may be time to have the bunion surgically repaired.

  1. Tips for preventing future cases of bunions

Unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to avoid a bunion from forming but certainly, there are ways to prevent them from being painful. Propper shoe gear, splints, and orthotics can certainly help reduce the likelihood of your bunion becoming painful! We hope that these tips were helpful and you learned something new about bunions today!


You deserve to be pain-free. If you are in Richardson or surrounding areas, come visit us at Texas Foot and Ankle Consultants for a consultation with one of our podiatrists in Dallas, TX. They will assess your individual situation and help determine how best to treat bunion pain so that you can get back on track without any more discomfort! Don’t wait another day when relief is just around the corner!